The amygdala is a heterogeneous brain structure implicated in processing of emotions and storing the emotional aspects of memories. Gene activity markers such as c-Fos have been shown to reflect both neuronal activation and neuronal plasticity. Herein, we analyze the expression patterns of gene activity markers in the amygdala in response to either behavioral training or treatment with drugs of abuse and then we confront the results with data on other approaches to internal complexity of the amygdala. c-Fos has been the most often studied in the amygdala, showing specific expression patterns in response to various treatments, most probably reflecting functional specializations among amygdala subdivisions. In the basolateral amygdala, c-Fos expression appears to be consistent with the proposed role of this nucleus in a plasticity of the current stimulus-value associations. Within the medial part of the central amygdala, c-Fos correlates with acquisition of alimentary/gustatory behaviors. On the other hand, in the lateral subdivision of the central amygdala, c-Fos expression relates to attention and vigilance. In the medial amygdala, c-Fos appears to be evoked by emotional novelty of the experimental situation. The data on the other major subdivisions of the amygdala are scarce. In conclusion, the studies on the gene activity markers, confronted with other approaches involving neuroanatomy, physiology, and the lesion method, have revealed novel aspects of the amygdala, especially pointing to functional heterogeneity of this brain region that does not fit very well into contemporarily active debate on serial versus parallel information processing within the amygdala.
Ewelina Knapska, Kasia Radwanska, Tomasz Werka, and Leszek Kaczmarek.
Functional Internal Complexity of Amygdala: Focus on Gene Activity Mapping After Behavioral Training and Drugs of Abuse.
Physiol. Rev. 87: 1113-1173, 2007. doi:10.1152/physrev.00037.2006.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Lesions of the Basal Amygdala Block Expression of Conditioned Fear But Not Extinction
Although the role of the amygdala in acquisition of conditioned fear is well established, there is debate concerning the intra-amygdala circuits involved. The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is thought to be an essential site of plasticity in fear conditioning. The LA has both direct and indirect [via the basal nuclei; basal amygdala (BA)] projections to the central nucleus (Ce) of the amygdala, an essential output for fear behaviors. Lesions of the LA or Ce prevent acquisition of conditioned freezing to a conditioned stimulus, but BA lesions do not, suggesting that the BA is not normally involved in fear conditioning. If true, posttraining BA lesions should also have no effect. Replicating previous studies, we found that rats given electrolytic BA lesions before training acquired conditioned fear normally. They also showed normal long-term retention and extinction of conditioned fear. Unexpectedly, BA lesions made after training completely blocked expression of conditioned fear. Despite this deficit, lesioned rats were able to learn a new tone-shock association. Thus, although the LA-Ce system is sufficient for fear acquisition in the absence of the BA, it is not sufficient when the BA is present, suggesting that the BA is an important site of plasticity in fear conditioning. The pattern of lesion deficits we observed (after but not before training) might be explained by homeostatic mechanisms that balance plasticity over multiple inputs, regulating the influence of the BA and LA onto Ce output neurons.

Figure 5. Model to account for deficits with posttraining, but not pretraining, lesions. We suggest that homeostatic mechanisms that balance plasticity over multiple inputs could regulate the influence of the BA, LA, and MGm onto CeM neurons. 1, The CeM receives inputs from the MGm, BA, and LA via ITC cells (dashed line). 2, After fear conditioning, BA inputs gain a large proportion of the total plasticity, inhibiting the development of plasticity in neighboring inputs. 3, Posttraining lesions of the BA remove this plasticity, leaving the system subthreshold for producing a fear response. 4, With pretraining removal of the BA, however, increased plasticity in the LA and MGm supports fear learning. For simplicity, projections from the MGm to the LA and from the LA to the BA are not shown.
David Anglada-Figueroa, and Gregory J. Quirk
Lesions of the Basal Amygdala Block Expression of Conditioned Fear But Not Extinction
J. Neurosci. 25: 9680-9685; doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2600-05.2005

Figure 5. Model to account for deficits with posttraining, but not pretraining, lesions. We suggest that homeostatic mechanisms that balance plasticity over multiple inputs could regulate the influence of the BA, LA, and MGm onto CeM neurons. 1, The CeM receives inputs from the MGm, BA, and LA via ITC cells (dashed line). 2, After fear conditioning, BA inputs gain a large proportion of the total plasticity, inhibiting the development of plasticity in neighboring inputs. 3, Posttraining lesions of the BA remove this plasticity, leaving the system subthreshold for producing a fear response. 4, With pretraining removal of the BA, however, increased plasticity in the LA and MGm supports fear learning. For simplicity, projections from the MGm to the LA and from the LA to the BA are not shown.
David Anglada-Figueroa, and Gregory J. Quirk
Lesions of the Basal Amygdala Block Expression of Conditioned Fear But Not Extinction
J. Neurosci. 25: 9680-9685; doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2600-05.2005
Cortical Connections of the Insular and Adjacent Parieto-temporal Fields in the Cat
We present a comprehensive analysis of the cortical connections of the insular and adjacent cortical areas in the domestic cat by using microinjections of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. We examined the identity and extent of the cortical fields connected to each area, the relative anatomical weights of the various connections, their laminar origin, and their paths across the cerebral commissures. Our main finding is that despite their relatively small size and close apposition, the connections of the insular and adjacent areas are far more widespread and more specific to each area than previously realized, suggesting that each area is involved in disparate aspects of cortical integration. The granular insular area is linked to a constellation of somatosensory, motor, premotor and prefrontal districts. The dysgranular insular area is chiefly associated with lateral prefrontal and premotor, lateral somatosensory and perirhinal cortices. The dorsal agranular insular area is connected with limbic neocortical fields, while the ventral agranular insular area is associated with an array of olfactory allocortical fields. The anterior sylvian area is associated with visual, auditory and multimodal areas, with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and with perirhinal area 36. The parainsular area is linked to non-tonotopic auditory and ventromedial frontal areas. Trajectories followed by the callosal axons of each of the investigated areas are extremely divergent. As a whole, the picture of the insular region that emerges from this and a parallel study (Clascá et al., J Comp Neurol 384:456–482, 1997) is that of an extreme heterogeneity, both in terms of histological architecture and neural connections. Comparison with earlier published reports on primates suggests that most, but not all, of the areas we investigated in cats may have an direct counterpart within the insula of Old World monkeys.

Figure 1

Figure 17. Summary of cortical and thalamic relationships of the areas under study. Each panel represents the connections of an area on standard medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Outlined letters identify the area of interest. Thicker lines and bold case highlight heavier connections, while thin or dashed lines indicate less numerous connections. Thalamic input is represented by the ellipsoids and arrow at the bottom of each panel. Connections of (A) GI, (B) DI, (C) AId, (D) AIv, (E) Pi, (F) AS. Abbreviations for thalamic nuclei (n): CeM, centralis medialis n.; LM, lateralis medialis n.; M(D), mediodorsal nucleus; MGm, medial geniculate n., medial division; MGvl, medial geniculate n., ventrolateral subnucleus; Pf, parafascicular n.; PoM, posterior thalamic n., medial division; Re, reuniens n.; Rh, rhomboid n.; VL, ventrolateral n.; VM, ventromedial n.; VPi, ventralis posteroinferior n.; VPmP, ventralis posteromedialis n., peripheral subnucleus. For other abbreviations see Table 1.
Francisco Clascá , Alfonso Llamas , and Fernando Reinoso-Suárez
Cortical Connections of the Insular and Adjacent Parieto-temporal Fields in the Cat.
Cereb. Cortex 10: 371-399.

Figure 1

Figure 17. Summary of cortical and thalamic relationships of the areas under study. Each panel represents the connections of an area on standard medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Outlined letters identify the area of interest. Thicker lines and bold case highlight heavier connections, while thin or dashed lines indicate less numerous connections. Thalamic input is represented by the ellipsoids and arrow at the bottom of each panel. Connections of (A) GI, (B) DI, (C) AId, (D) AIv, (E) Pi, (F) AS. Abbreviations for thalamic nuclei (n): CeM, centralis medialis n.; LM, lateralis medialis n.; M(D), mediodorsal nucleus; MGm, medial geniculate n., medial division; MGvl, medial geniculate n., ventrolateral subnucleus; Pf, parafascicular n.; PoM, posterior thalamic n., medial division; Re, reuniens n.; Rh, rhomboid n.; VL, ventrolateral n.; VM, ventromedial n.; VPi, ventralis posteroinferior n.; VPmP, ventralis posteromedialis n., peripheral subnucleus. For other abbreviations see Table 1.
Francisco Clascá , Alfonso Llamas , and Fernando Reinoso-Suárez
Cortical Connections of the Insular and Adjacent Parieto-temporal Fields in the Cat.
Cereb. Cortex 10: 371-399.
Superior temporal gyrus and insula provide response and outcome-dependent information during assessment and action selection in a decision-making ...
Decision-making is a complex process that comprises the assessment of a situation, the selection of an action, and the evaluation of an outcome. Distinct neural systems may contribute differentially during various stages within a decision-making situation. This study investigated whether neural activation during assessment or action selection is critically dependent on previous outcomes or actions. Twelve healthy, right-handed subjects (6 females) played a Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) computer game during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Bilateral insula and medial prefrontal cortex (including the anterior cingulate) were specifically engaged during the assessment and action selection stages of decision-making, whereas bilateral superior frontal gyrus and right inferior parietal lobule activated more during the outcome. Two regions of activation within the bilateral superior temporal gyrus activated only when the previous outcome was a win. Moreover, right insula and superior temporal gyrus were active more when the subject switched responses relative to staying with the same choice made on the previous trial. These findings support the hypothesis that distinct neural systems underlie different stages of the decision-making process. Furthermore, the superior temporal gyrus may play an important role in integrating previous actions and successful outcomes into one's decision-making strategy.
Paulus MP, Feinstein JS, Leland D, Simmons AN.
Superior temporal gyrus and insula provide response and outcome-dependent information during assessment and action selection in a decision-making situation.
Neuroimage. 2005 Apr 1;25(2):607-15.
Paulus MP, Feinstein JS, Leland D, Simmons AN.
Superior temporal gyrus and insula provide response and outcome-dependent information during assessment and action selection in a decision-making situation.
Neuroimage. 2005 Apr 1;25(2):607-15.
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